Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Disney World


  1. Eva thought the hippo was a rock!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!
    by Aaron and Garen

  2. Hey miss spencer! Its Alyssa or i guess you could call me question girl. Youll be proud to know i have not asked very many questions while youve been gone. Hey soooooo i read your blog that really STINKS about the epcot center, im sorry. Hey but did you get to swim with dolphins yet?

  3. I remember that! the crocodiles are from africa, and the tigers are from asia. did you go on splash mountian? I also rember going to the kennedy space center and seeing a bald eagle on the side of the road and a ton of alligators/armidillos! from cody :p p.s. go to typhoon lagoon and blizzard beach major fun

  4. Dear Miss.Spencer,

    How has your day gone. We think that salem is the size of disney world. Are we right. What was you favorite theme park animal kingdom or magic kingom?
    Eva and Cheyenne.

  5. hey miss spencer-
    it is me lili.i read your blog and i thought it was cool that you went to disny world.i went to disny land but not disny world.you dad has not killed any one yet.... or did he?i can't wait for you to tell us more about your trip.c u soon.

  6. Dear Miss spencer,
    It is us again Eva and Cheyenne to be excact (The better ones)jk jk lol!!!!!! The elephnts from asia is the asian elephants and tiger and bat!!!! and Africa was the hippo gazle and African elephant!!!!

    The better ones
    Eva and Cheyene.......... jk jk

  7. that tiger is awesome. what rides have you gone on so far. have you gone to one of the water park. from jacob,chad,and troy.

  8. Thanks for the awesome Voicethread. Looks like you're having fun.
    P.S. What kind of lizard was that?

  9. Wow those are some amazing pics, i cant wait to see them when you get back, I also liked the voice thread. Hey well times up i got to go, miss you lots and cant wait to have you back.


  10. elephants, tigers, and Ms.Spencer, oh my!

    It's me, Josh
    P.S. JK!!JK!!

  11. Mrs.Browon says hi,I bet it was cool to see different animals from Africa,we miss you Mrs Spencer! What did you learn at the epcot center? You can tell us all about it when you come back, and come back soon! I like your family, we miss you, and we played dogdeball for P.E. and it was really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By:Jordan Riley & Joshua Luffman
    See you on Tuesday,bye! bye! bye!!!

  12. I'm glad you're having fun Ms. Spencer. When you come back you have to tell us more about it.
    Class isn't the same without you, though we may get away with a little more. We miss you!

